Pizza Collection

Pizza Collection


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Pizza Collection

  • Move over Skrillex, there's a new DJ in town, and he's spinning a fresh new sound. Hot, delicious, and just a little bit cheesy, his new tracks are ou...

    $17.99 CAD
  • ALL HAIL THE GREAT PIZZA IN THE SKY. These kitties worship the great lord of pizza, saviour of us all. Anyone who converts to their religion will rece...

    $17.99 CAD
  • Did you know that the Egypitans believed a god would come to wipe away all the others? It has come, and it is pizza.  Our iPhone cases are form-fittin...

    from $26.99 CAD
  • While we don't recommend putting pizza slices on these sloth pizza coasters, we'll admit that you could put pizza pockets on them. Delicious! Our coas...

    $27.99 CAD
  • These coasters are little pizza bites that you shouldn't probably eat, but then again, they do look delicious and cheesy and wait, I am a grown adult...

    $27.99 CAD
  • The perfect coasters to put your drinks on during your DJ set. Or when you are eating pizza. Or when you are petting your cat. Okay, they're good for...

    $27.99 CAD
  • A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... there was a world with an endless supply of warm, cheesy pizza. Let's go back to those times, mmk? Our iP...

    from $26.99 CAD